Opened in 2003, Farmsteads of New England. Inc. (Farmsteads) provides supportive day and residential services in a farm environment to adults who have developmental disabilities. We are dedicated to empowering individuals who have autism, developmental disabilities, and others with varying abilities to pursue their chosen path to live a meaningful and satisfying life by providing transitional and long-term supports and services in a rural environment that fosters growth, interdependence and self-confidence. Each residential farmer has his/her own one-bedroom apartment which gives individuals maximum privacy and more of an adult lifestyle while also providing easy access to peers for socialization.
Farmsteads is a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Corporation.
Featured Farmer Spotlight
Dave S.
Dave S. is a longtime farmer at Farmsteads, moving to Hillsborough in 2005. He loves to keep busy around the farm with his daily independent work filling animal water, sweeping the barn and organizing the tools. In the summer he also works in the herb garden; picking herbs and drying them so they are ready to be made into farm stand products! Dave enjoys working in the kitchen and learning how to make something new!
In Dave's free time, the art room is his favorite place to be. Creating new team rosters and drawing each member of the team- he always has a new bracket going!
Dave is a dedicated worker and an amazing friend.
Watch our new Farmsteads of New England video.
We provide a residential farming community and day services that cultivate family, dignity, and respect for adults who have autism and other developmental disabilities.
We care for our farmers and help them thrive and experience the joy of home, belonging and accomplishment.
We take Covid-19 seriously and continue to go to extraordinary lengths to protect our farmers and staff.
Farmsteads fosters a healthy family environment between farmers, their families, and our dedicated staff members who are mentors to the farmers. One of the most gratifying occurrences we see is farmers working together and helping each other.
What can Farmsteads farmers do? Better to ask, what can’t they do? Among their many daily activities, each farmer shares a valued social role. They are farmers, bakers, and weavers, They also help prepare meals, and help stock our farm stands.
The vision for Farmsteads of New England percolated for several years in the mind of founder Deborah DeScenza. Her drive came as a mother seeking solutions on how to care best for a son with significant special needs and realizing there were significant service gaps and needs to be filled. Deborah was no stranger to the quest: she had worked in the field of special education as a teacher, program coordinator, and consultant for nearly 20 years prior to founding Farmsteads.
At Rosewald Farm
213 Center Road
Hillsborough, NH 03244
At Redberry Farm
38 Plumer Road
Epping, NH 03042
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Farmsteads of New England